It’s incredibly important to make sure that all of your personal details are accurate in your online account. There can be significant cost implications for you if there is a misspelling in your name or your gateway is incorrect. Here are some things to keep in mind to make sure your account stays as up to date as possible.
Confirming name
If your name is not spelled correctly in your account, please alert us as soon as you are aware. There can be significant cost implications for changing a name on an airline reservation. These costs come directly from airline policies and are the responsibility of the traveler. Please make sure that your name is spelled exactly as it is on your travel documentation. For more information on names, take a look at our article Names on airline tickets
You can confirm your name through the app or online account. Once logged in click "profile" to review and then complete your checklist item - high five!
If you do notice an error, please update in you account ASAP as there may be fees involved with making changes to your airfare reservations. If you are under 30 days from departure please call us at +1617-619-1411
Confirming gateway
When you book an Ultimate Break trip, you are defaulted to the “no flights” package. After booking, please make sure you check your account to confirm that your desired gateway is reflected. Moved cities since you booked? Let us know as soon as possible. There could be a cost difference between the gateways, which we will alert you of and present your best options for your desired gateway. Making gateway changes underneath 99 days prior to departure will likely incur significant fees, so be sure to request this change early.
You can confirm these details by logging into your online account and selecting the trip itinerary for your trip.
If you do notice an error, please reach out ASAP as there may be fees involved with making changes to your airfare reservations.
Roommates and travel companions
Want to room with your travel buddy? We’ll do our best to accommodate these requests. Make sure to request these at the time of booking and specify that you desire to fly together or room together.
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